Hello dan Salam Ramadan!
Pada 24th April 2021 yang lepas, saya sempat sertai virtual event Guardian Gaya Squad: Wardah Beauty untuk sesi April 2021. Best virtual event ni sebab interaktif dan banyak borak serta bertukar pendapat. Tak terasa masa berlalu kejap je masa event.
ini memang saya pernah dengar pasal produk kosmetik Wardah, cuma event
ni macam eye-opening untuk saya sebab baru tahu tentang kewujudan set
skincare Wardah. Banyaklah tahu tentang kebaikan produk wardah
terutamanya kebaikan wardah skincare.
Terima kasih juga kepada nuffnang Malaysia sebab anjurkan virtual event ni, buat pulak dalam masa pandemik, untuk isi masa untuk tahu tentang beauty dan kecantikan. Teringat lama dah tak join event daripada nuffnang Malaysia.

Seronok sesi ni sebab sangat interaktif dan banyak cakap-cakap. Jadi tak adalah kita duduk afk depan komputer je. Sesi kalini siap ada tema pakaian tau, dan kena ON kamera, jadi memang kena lawa-lawa la. Seronok saya sertai virtual event macam ni, terubat la rindu pergi event sikit. Haha.
Sebelum sesi online virtual Guardian Gaya Squad: Wardah Beauty haritu, memang deorang ada hantar goodie bag untuk peserta. Dalam ni ada la produk Wardah Instaperfect dan skincare Wardah Rose dan juga ada satu white board dan marker pen.
Sesi kami ni memang sangat interaktif, banyak communicate dengan tulis dengan white board. So bila MC tanya soalan, kami jawab la, barulah semua ada peluang untuk bagi pendapat. Kalau nak cakap pun boleh je sebenarnya, lagi bagus kan :)
Kuih Raya Makeup Challenge
Untuk challenge ini, kami diletakkan didalam kumpulan. Untuk kumpulan saya, ada 3 ahli termasuk saya. Ada Kak Miera Nadhirah dan kawan baru, Siti. Team kami siap ada ahli bantuan lagi, ada wakil daripada Wardah, Shabrina dan Mei dari nuffnang Malaysia.
Dalam cabaran ni, setiap pasukan kena pilih satu kuih raya dan buat makeup berdasarkan kuih rasa tu. Lepas pening pilih nak kuih raya apa, kami pun pilih Almond London sebab macam paling sesuai dengan warna yang ada di Wardah Instaperfect SPOTLIGHT Chromatic Eye Palette.
Hasil dia sangat simple, fresh dan cantik, sesuai la untuk makeup masa Raya especially kalau pakai baju Glam atau heavy. Lepas explore set makeup Wardah Instaperfect ni, best sebab pallete yang ada senang nak pakai dan mudah nak guna. Susuai untuk heavy dan simple look.
â™› Wardah Instaperfect MATTESETTER Lip Matte Paint 01. GLEE 5.5 g
- Velvety texture
- Long-lasting color
- Contains natural oils - help moisturize your lips & antioxidants that can maintain lip health Lip cream makes lips smooth and moist without being dry or chapped, with a lavish matte finish that lasts long hours.
- Velvety texture
- Long-lasting color
- Contains natural oils - help moisturize your lips & antioxidants that can maintain lip health Lip cream makes lips smooth and moist without being dry or chapped, with a lavish matte finish that lasts long hours.
â™› Wardah Instaperfect CITY BLUSH Blusher Click 02. Adore 5.6 g
- Hassle-free & easy-to-use blush on stick
- Easy to blend
- Makes cheeks look fresher & glowy instantly.
Apply to cheeks and use a sponge to gently blend it out.
â™› Wardah Instaperfect SPOTLIGHT Chromatic Eye Palette 10g
- 10 colors in the palette.
- Buildable colours that produce real colours on the eyes.
- Mineral-infused pigments
- Can produce a variety of make-up looks from nude to smokey.
- 10 colors in the palette.
- Buildable colours that produce real colours on the eyes.
- Mineral-infused pigments
- Can produce a variety of make-up looks from nude to smokey.
â™› Wardah Instaperfect MINERALIGHT MATTE BB Cushion 11. FAIR 15g
- Keeps skin feeling hydrated with a cooling sensation.
- Gives off a radiant & matte finish
- Comes with UV protection of SPF 29 PA+++
A BB Cushion with smart high coverage technology, Mineralight Fix, and natural mineral ingredients
- Keeps skin feeling hydrated with a cooling sensation.
- Gives off a radiant & matte finish
- Comes with UV protection of SPF 29 PA+++
A BB Cushion with smart high coverage technology, Mineralight Fix, and natural mineral ingredients
♚ Wardah Hydra Rose Dewy Aqua Day Gel 40g
- Light and watery gel texture
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which keeps skin moist & hydrated
- Enriched with Bio-Hyaluronic Acid which coats the skin and keeps the skin hydrated all day long.
- Light and watery gel texture
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which keeps skin moist & hydrated
- Enriched with Bio-Hyaluronic Acid which coats the skin and keeps the skin hydrated all day long.
♚ Wardah Hydra Rose Moisture Rich Night Gel 40g
- A nutrient-rich gel textured moisturizer.
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which keeps skin moist & hydrated
- Specially formulated with STRESS RELIEF AGENT to fight the effects of daily stress by increasing the ability of the skin layer* to maintain hydration.
- A nutrient-rich gel textured moisturizer.
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which keeps skin moist & hydrated
- Specially formulated with STRESS RELIEF AGENT to fight the effects of daily stress by increasing the ability of the skin layer* to maintain hydration.
♚ Wardah Hydra Rose Gel to Foam Cleanser 100ml
- Mild foaming facial wash with soft gel texture
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which cleanses face from dust, oil, dirt & makeup
- Makes your face feel clean & hydrated, and not drying.
- Mild foaming facial wash with soft gel texture
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which cleanses face from dust, oil, dirt & makeup
- Makes your face feel clean & hydrated, and not drying.
♚ Wardah Hydra Rose Petal Infused Toner 100ml
- Toner with 72-Hours Hydrating Active hydrates & restores skin moisture to prepare your skin to absorb nutrients from following skincare products.
- Real rose water with pure rose petals in it help soothe & restore optimal moisture to skin
- Toner with 72-Hours Hydrating Active hydrates & restores skin moisture to prepare your skin to absorb nutrients from following skincare products.
- Real rose water with pure rose petals in it help soothe & restore optimal moisture to skin
♚ Wardah Hydra Rose Micro Gel Serum 30ml
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which keeps skin moist & hydrated
- Enriched with HydraMoist Micro Gel Granules (a soft gel that melts into the deepest layer of skin for extra moisture
- Contains 72-Hours Hydrating Active & Rose Oil which keeps skin moist & hydrated
- Enriched with HydraMoist Micro Gel Granules (a soft gel that melts into the deepest layer of skin for extra moisture
Jangan lupa check out post saya di Instagram: @nzayaniz.
boleh dapatkan set Wardah dan Wardah kosmetik di Guardian Malaysia. Harga produk Wardah di Guardian Malaysia adalah seperti berikut (Harga secara dalam talian di Guardian):
Wardah Beauty: www.instagram.com/wardahbeauty_my
Guardian Malaysia: www.instagram.com/guardianmy
Nufffnang: www.instagram.com/nuffnangasia
Hashtags: #guardianMY #guardiangayasquad #wardahmalaysia
Till then,
Zayani Zulkiffli.
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